Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Essence of chocolate - Chocolate cake

My latest creation was That chocolate cake recipe for the Scharffen Berger's. I have included the link at the end of this page.

The chocolate batter after the cocoa was added. I used olive oil in place of canola oil for this recipe. You can't really taste the difference, but at least we were consuming good fats. I only baked using once tin instead of separating the batter into 2 baking tins. I had to leave the cake in longer in order for it to cook thoroughly. I had enough batter leftover for about 3 cupcakes which tasted delicious too.

Making the icing was probably more work than the cake batter. I had to make sure not to overcook the cream. After mixing in the chocolate, the instructions requests that you whisk it lightly while it cools. Given how much icing I had left over, I could have easily cut the icing amount by half.

Icing the cake. This is the bottom layer.

The finished cake. This cake was moist and delicious. I would have loved the cake even without the icing, however the icing definitely gave it a more polished look. Loved this recipe. It does not require too much prior baking skills. Would tweak the sugar level a little as I find it a smidgen sweet. Apart from that I would not mess with this recipe at all. Two thumbs up!

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